Endangered Language
Funders Alliance


In honor of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, Endangered Language Funders Alliance (ELFA) is bringing together visionaries in language revitalization to share ideas, host workshops, and discuss the future plans, current challenges, and opportunities in language revitalization funding, and the global impact that can be achieved by these contributions.

On Oct. 14th, 2023, ELFA will hosted its inaugural symposium in conjunction with the International Conference on Indigenous Language Documentation, Education, and Revitalization. Our next symposium will be held virtually on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at noon ET.

The symposium will be open to both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous participants alike, with a significant emphasis on highlighting Indigenous voices and promoting active learning through vibrant discussions and engagement. It is our hope that attendees will leave this symposium with new insights and renewed enthusiasm for the work that they do leading into the International Decade of Indigenous Languages and beyond.